Damp and Mould

Most damp problems are caused by ground water rising up the walls (rising damp), water penetrating through some maintenance defects (penetrating damp) and/or poor ventilation (condensation). Moisture gets trapped in the walls and builds up to cause unsightly and unhealthy issues such as mould and mildew.

Don't ignore damp - it can do serious damage to the structure of your house. Also using the wrong treatment method can make the problem worse.

Our Special Purpose Assistance grants can help residents on low incomes fund works to reduce damp and mould in their home. There are also many other ways residents can help prevent damp and mould.

Some useful guidance exists on our council’s websites:

Cambs HIA has replaced floor and completed damp proofing works for penetrating and rising damp. If you are eligible for a grant our surveyors will commission a report from a specialist company to measure the extent of the mould and then organise the works to address this.